
Finding and Producing News on the iPhone

There is a new, free way for finding and producing news – Online Journalism. A new browser plugin called FeedPress lets you customize the Google feeds that appear on your website. By customizing the Google feeds, you get the option of displaying only relevant or non-relevant feeds or creating customized lists of news items for your subscribers to choose from. This plugin works in conjunction with Google XML Storage (XML Sitemaps), allowing you to specify a URL path for each RSS item that you want to include, which means that your website can always be found.

This amazing application brings together the power of RSS feeds with one of the most popular social media services, Twitter. Users who are followers of both will enjoy the feed reader that has built-in Twitter functionality, including direct tweeting of selected items. The resulting product, NewsReader, pulls news items from Twitter, Facebook, four other major social media services, as well as many other sources. News Reader is available for both iPhone and iPad and provides the ability to search and display the most popular stories, along with links to additional information. If you are a current Twitter user, you will enjoy the enhanced functionality that comes with this amazing application.

If you are looking for breaking news about food, the Internet has now provided the means to add the world food championship to the list of ways finding and producing news can be done. The Food Sport Show has been online since 2004, when it began to gain notoriety as a social media phenomenon. The show is hosted by Rachel Ray and features celebrity interviews, discussions about the latest topics, and suggestions for recipes. This is the largest competition of its kind, with thousands of people from all over the world participating, and the final count is believed to be over five hundred.

While the Food Sport Show may have been one of the first online ventures to incorporate social media into their production, it is not the first time this phenomenon has caught on. In fact, this is only the second year that the World Food championship will be televised. This is particularly interesting, as this is one of the largest competitions in the world, and this has brought fans from around the world together. Whether you are interested in learning more about how the show came to be, the buzz surrounding it, or simply want to see if America’s next big thing is something to keep an eye on, you will be able to find plenty of information online.

Another option for those who would like to stay up to date with the latest news is to tap into RSS feeds from many of the major networks. For example, Grist, ProBlogger, and MotherJones are all known for providing excellent content with frequent news-breaking roundups. These feeds provide headlines, summaries, and even links to additional material in the article view, making it easy to keep track of any breaking news. Although the feeds are often free, they are sometimes not available in certain regions, such as Asia. For those who are interested in having access to these types of feeds, however, they should be willing to pay a fee to make sure that they have full access.

Additionally, some of the biggest news outlets are also making the switch to offering article views through their apps. Many newspapers have recently launched apps for iPhones, which allow users to read news articles and other content through the iPhone’s app, rather than through the regular web browser. In many ways, these are similar to news stories viewed through the Chrome browser. However, since Safari is the primary browser used on the iPhone, users must use the iPhone’s article view, which displays only the articles selected by the user.

There are still other options, however. A great way to stay on top of the latest news is to tap into RSS feeds from a number of different sources, and then customize the feeds to fit your own personal needs. One popular choice is the “discovery” feed, which shows readers as they tap into the content on your site. This discovery feed shows them the headlines and short blurbs about each source, including a location and a description of the source. In many cases, the discovery feed will also show a map that pinpoints’s the location of the source, making it easier for users to locate articles from all around the world.

To take advantage of the discovery features on the iPhone, a news lover just has to go to the main settings, and enable the RSS feeds feature there. From there, tapping the plus sign will bring up various options for the type of content that you wish to display. For those who have been longing for the convenience provided by iPhone news apps, the introduction of this new functionality is just what they have been waiting for. Users no longer need to worry about losing the ability to simply tap into an article or news story through their iPhone’s multi-orientation platform.